Book Review: “Furiously Happy” by Jenny Lawson

I’ve just finished Jenny Lawsons 2nd New York Times Bestseller, “Furiously Happy,” and I am shouting, I LOVE IT from the rooftops! I laughed until I cried (and at one point almost peed myself). Jenny puts a positive spin on mental illness (if there is such a thing). 

I suffer from a panic disorder; that began when I was in my teens, so I could relate to Jenny’s stories of general awkwardness and late-night adventures with her cats and other animals, (well I don’t have cats, I have dogs, and I don’t play with them in the middle of the night but I do have insomnia, I can relate). Jenny owns her imperfections with hilarious honesty. Follow Jenny Lawson, AKA “The Bloggess,” and you will be pleasantly shocked by the stories of her childhood in Texas. As you finish one of The Bloggess’s memoirs, you will want more and crave the temporary laughter she brings to your life. After putting down her second book, I admit to feeling a small amount of separation anxiety from this beautifully crazy author. No need to fret, though, Jenny has released a 3rd NY Times Bestseller, “Broken (In the Best Possible Way).” 

Watch this space for further reviews; until then, get yourself some Jenny Lawson, grab a glass of wine, kick back and get ready to laugh till your face hurts.  

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